Got Scalp

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You just looked in the mirror, and you noticed that your hair was looking a little sparse

Oh no! You just looked in the mirror, and you noticed that your hair was looking a little sparse.

If you're in this boat, you're not the only one. In fact, by age 35 roughly 66% of men will already have some degree of hair loss!

With so many men suffering from this issue, it can leave them wondering what the causes of hair loss are. Let's take a look at seven of the most common causes of hair loss in men. 

1. Hormonal Imbalances

One of the main reasons why men experience hair loss is due to hormonal imbalances. Hair growth is regulated by hormones, and when things are out of whack, your hair can begin to fall out.

When men have an imbalance of thyroid hormones, their hair growth is affected. As the thyroid system weakens, it's unable to put as much attention on less important body systems such as hair growth. 

On top of that, men's testosterone levels decrease as they age. This results in hair loss as they get older, starting at around age 30. 

2. Stress

Most of us have heard that stress can wreak havoc on the body. However, did you know that one of the ways it does so is by affecting your body's hair growth processes?

Stress causes issues such as dandruff and metabolism disorders, both of which can affect how the hair grows. The result? People struggling with too much stress can start dealing with thinning and balding. 

What's worse, when stress is the cause of hair loss it causes large chunks of hair to fall out at a time. This means that it can leave large bald patches, as opposed to a little thinning in a few places. 

The good news about stress-induced hair loss, however, is that it's not permanent. With stress management, individuals can get their hair to grow back normally. 

3. Iron Deficiency

One of the more common causes of hair loss is iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency, and it can cause some big problems in the body. 

The reason for this is that iron helps the body create hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen throughout the body.

When you don't have enough iron, you can experience headaches and hair loss. Iron-deficiency hair loss usually rears its head in the shape of thinning hair down the middle section of the scalp. 

Making sure you get enough iron in your diet is essential for keeping a healthy head of hair. You can get iron by eating dark leafy greens, red meats, or by taking vitamin supplements. 

4. Thyroid Disease

Another common reason why men lose their hair is due to thyroid disease. Thyroid diseases like hypo or hyperthyroidism can affect the hair follicles and lead to hair loss. 

Hair loss caused by thyroid disease usually affects the entire scalp, rather than a section of hair. That means that people struggling with these diseases are more likely to end up bald. 

What's worse, even with proper treatment, hair regrowth can be sparse when caused by thyroid disease. In this case, it may be best to seek alternative options, such as scalp micro pigmentation to get the look that you're going for. 

5. Low Levels of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the many vitamins our bodies need to stay healthy. That's because vitamin B12 helps form healthy red blood cells. 

When your body doesn't have enough vitamin B12, it stops sending oxygen to less important cells, such as hair cells. This can put a stop to hair growth and can even lead to hair loss. 

Luckily, vitamin B12 deficiency is easily reversed. Making changes to your diet or taking a B12 supplement can help you put a stop to hair loss. 

6. Major Weight Loss

If you've worked hard to shed the pounds, only to find you now have far less hair, you're not alone. Many people experience hair loss after losing a dramatic amount of weight. 

The reason for this is that when your body drops in BMI, it puts a bit of physical stress on your body. The body then moves less important operations into an inactive state, as it now has fewer nutrients to work with. 

The good news is that if you're experiencing hair loss after losing a lot of weight, this isn't a permanent state of being. Just by maintaining a healthy diet, your body will slowly adjust and start to regrow lost hair. 

7. Aging

Sometimes hair loss is just caused by getting old. The truth is, as we age, we tend to lose hair. 

In fact, by the time most men reach their 30th birthday, they're already displaying some signs of balding. Some men even show signs of balding earlier than that!

If you're experiencing hair loss as you age, there are still ways that you can combat this phenomenon. You can take supplements such as collagen or biotin to help with healthy hair and nail growth. 

Or, you can turn to alternative treatments, such as micropigmentation. These treatments can help you get a full-looking head of hair even as you grow older.

Treat These Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Now that you know some of the most common causes of hair loss in men, it's easy to find a way to fix hair loss. By knowing the root cause of the problem, you'll be able to implement a hair loss treatment that gets your luscious locks back in action. 

Ready to combat those early signs of hair loss? Browse our shop and we'll hook you up with the best products for healthy hair!